1st Pokémon Card Game
Illustration Grand Prix—Final Results
This contest has ended.
Theme: “Pokémon Landscapes”
First Place

西田ユウ さん
(Yuu Nishida)
Judge's Comments
This portrayal of Gardevoir with its eyes closed makes for an illustration that shows the kindness of the artist's personality. The colorful background is also particularly mesmerizing.
The image comes together as an impressive art piece, where great attention has been given to detail, including Gardevoir’s expression, lighting, and the way in which leaves are drawn.
I think that Gardevoir finding pleasure in the sun's light is a good idea in itself. Just looking at this image makes the viewer feel warm inside too.
Second Place

さとう なるみ さん
(Narumi Sato)
Judge's Comments
This illustration perfectly understands and embodies the “Pokémon Landscapes” subject theme. I like how it shows a single scene while hinting at the Pokémon’s daily life.
This image made me realize how Eevee’s ears would get in the way while trying to sneak under a fence. It perfectly shows how adorable Eevee would be living in the city.
Judge's Prize (Five Selected Entries)

倉田理菜 さん
(Rina Kurata)
Judge's Comments
The illustration does not show any human being outright, but it does a great job of hinting at how Pokémon coexist with humans. The stark colors and gentle lines have made me appreciate Metagross in a way I never had before.

岡谷亜希 さん
(Aki Okatani)
Judge's Comments
A glance at this illustration is enough to understand the setting: a Slowpoke enjoying a relaxing bath in front of a store. The extremely detailed background, Cutiefly, and Alolan Rattata also help bring across Slowpoke’s charm.

このは さん
Judge's Comments
Capturing Pikachu’s trademark charm in a single image is surprisingly difficult, but this work manages to do it while also being unique in its presentation. The way in which the background is drawn is pleasantly unique as well.

北川徹也 さん
(Tetsuya Kitagawa)
Judge's Comments
This illustration successfully portrays Solgaleo in a caricature style while retaining its complex characteristics. Solgaleo’s boldness is shown not only through its expression but through a masterful use of effects, too.

ハナフサ エリ さん
(Eri Hanafusa)
Judge's Comments
This illustration's fascinating and unique touch beautifully depicts Charizard living in nature. Seeing Charizard as it enjoys running its claw on the water’s surface makes it particularly memorable.
Slowpoke Award (One Selected Entry)

ア・メリカ さん
Judge's Comments
Slowpoke was the subject most chosen for this contest, but this illustration especially caught my attention. The caricature style really helps Slowpoke’s features stand out.